
New work posted on Instagram @ananoordzij

I approach making tableware as sculpture. I believe the bowl is the original sculpture. As I make connections between disparate notions, this is my effort to maintain a childlike awe of my surroundings and explore the beauty of idea synthesis. The visual presentation of data, the aesthetics of plants, animals and tools. Ancient objects informed by a post internet world. I hope my pieces have a quiet presence that draws you in for timeless closer inspection.

The tactile nature of clay has fascinated me from a very young age. I love that my work goes out into the world to be held and used. The clay leads the way in a meditative process that results in one of a kind pieces. I’m happy to take requests for small batches or sets for wholesale and custom orders.

I studied at Massachusetts College of Art, The University of New South Wales, Australia, and received my degree in ceramics under Marvin Sweet at Bradford College. The side gig economy of trying to live as a working artist, led me to restaurants where I would eventually be the chef owner of my own, Channel Cafe. I’ve come full circle to focus on making objects, made to be completed by food.
